Monday, October 3, 2011


Where has the time gone? It has been almost a year since my last blog post. Well, I think I will start a new series. This series will track my weight loss over the next several months. Wow, big deal, whoop-dee-doo, right? Well, yes it is, to me anyway. Here is where I started: 217.3 Lbs. I started working out on the treadmill for 35 minutes about 4 to 5 times a week. At the same time I have cut out almost all sugars/Carbs from my diet. A modified Atkins if you will. In one week I lost 5 pounds and already my energy level has increased and no longer do I head straight for the bed to take a nap when I get home from work.

It is October 3rd, 2011 and I now weigh 212.8.

My goal is 180 by the end of March. I am planning a 3 week trip out to California and Utah in my jeep to hit the Rubicon Trail and Moab next summer and I want to be in shape for it!

I am also trying this blog out on my Virtual Instance of UBUNTU 11.04 hosted on my Windows 7 Professional PC via VMWare Player. So far so good!

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