Monday, March 24, 2008

Early Risers.... NOT !

We didn't get to the park today until 1:00 pm. Don't know why but being on a schedule we are NOT! Went to Islands of Adventure and the first ride we wanted to go on was the Spider Man ride but the wait was estimated to be 55 minutes. We passed and went on to the Jurasic Park River Ride. It was a water flue type ride with a rather large drop at the end. Dillon was freaking out (I don't want to go, I don't want to ride this ride...) the whole time prior to the ride but once it was over he recovered his composure quickly. Then it was on to the Bilge Rats Ride?? where we all got a bit wet. And it was rather cold today. Mostly cloudy until around 3 or 4 pm. It cleared up then but stayed on the coolish side. Went to see the Blue Man Group at 6:00 pm. Dana giggled so hard. She did not want to go at first but she really enjoyed it.


Anonymous said...

Still trying to figure out
on the counter
and why your son
to put the seat down

Do you even read these

Anonymous said...

So I totally messed up the html in that last post! Sorry!

Unknown said...

RE: pict0185 to the top right is a portable DVD player, the thing in the bottom center that looks kinda like a tampon is a measuring spoon. Is that what you are asking?
RE:pict0191 He's a man. Whatdoyouexpect?

Anonymous said...

Products to the left of the Sierra Mist and to the right of the blender.

Unknown said...

CapriSun Roarin' Waters, various flavor juice bags, Boxed YooHoos, and blueberry mini-muffins. Also, some dish washing detergent in small plastic single use bags that came issued with the timeshare.

Anonymous said...

Nice selection!

Thought the yoohoo boxes were little boxes of brown sugar or something.

Also good to see that you're still stalking Swedes :-)