Monday, May 26, 2008

Trauma - Life in the E.R., Family Reunion Style

No family reunion on the Aherron side would be quite complete without some drama, or in this case, some trauma. My dad, nearly 80 years old, decided to move his chair while attending our family reunion this past Memorial Day weekend. The move didn't quite go as planned and his foot got caught on the leg of the table and over he tumbled. On his way down he fell over another chair that was made out of metal which had some round disks welded to the bottom of the legs so that the chair would not sink into the ground. It was one of those disks that caused the trauma. His leg got dragged across the disk and ripped a 4 inch long gash in the lower leg just below his calf. We all heard the commotion, which was behind me, and when I turned around I saw my dad laying on his side on the ground. Then I saw it. The gash and the fatty tissue hanging out of the wound and the blood running out. My brother immediatly grabbed a paper towel and administered direct pressure on the wound which stopped the bleeding. Way to go, Bro! I ran to get more paper towels and to facilitate a call to the Tunstall Volunteer Rescue Squad. He was wisked away via ambulance to the Danville hospital E.R. where he received 14 stitches and discovered that he had also broken his foot. All this and he wasn't drinking at all! He is staying in Danville for a few days at a friend of the family's house while he recooperates a bit. This sort of thing usually happens to me or my offspring while on vacation....

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