For the first time ever I saw my thermometer dip below 0 today. At around 4:30 AM today I got up to shake the lizard and the thermometer was reading -0.9 Degf.
It's colder than it's been around these parts for a long time. Wouldn't it be nice to have some snow to go with it! But that's probably asking too much. BTW, the hot dog roaster's a little sick. Are those guys holding their schlongs over the fire of their own volition, in which case I wonder whether they're some twisted masochists, or are they doing this under duress? Either way it's a sad state of affairs.
It's colder than it's been around these parts for a long time. Wouldn't it be nice to have some snow to go with it! But that's probably asking too much. BTW, the hot dog roaster's a little sick. Are those guys holding their schlongs over the fire of their own volition, in which case I wonder whether they're some twisted masochists, or are they doing this under duress? Either way it's a sad state of affairs.
Alright, I linked to it so it won't be so blatant. Interesting that you did not comment on the Repair truck....
The repair truck looks like the sort of thing Joe Tappe would come up with.
All that cold was snow for us! Raleigh got 2 inches and we'll probably get nothing.
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