Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another Vacation From Hell, February 2010 Edition

This time it was to the Snowshoe Resort in WV. I signed up the entire family to take skiing lessons, payed for a days ski rentals, and a one day lift pass for everyone. Lots of money spent... I was taking a snowboarding lesson, the kids were taking lessons and Dawn was taking a lesson. I lasted about 15 minutes and then I fell down on my left elbow and dislocated my shoulder. So, I was waiting in the ski patrol hut while they went to find Dawn. Then I heard that Dillon had fallen and the edge of his ski cut through is ski pants, through his thermal underwear and cut his shin enough to require 5 stitches. Dawn had to drive us to Marlinton, WV to the Pocahontas Memorial Hospital where I was given an IV injection of morphine and a shot of xylocaine in the shoulder. Dillon was in the bed next to me getting stitches.

Dillon's Stitches

"Before" X-Ray of arm. Notice how far down the arm bone is.

"After" X-Ray of arm. Notice how the arm bone is now just below the top bone, where it should be.


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